HOMERUN SERVER General ------- HomeRun is a software platform used for coordinating, controlling, and automating home environments. It supports - or will support - various home automation standards such as X10, but is not restricted to any single protocol or hardware type. This note describes the server component of HomeRun, which is free software available under the terms of the Apache 2 license. Requirements ------------ HomeRun is a Java application, so you will need to have a Java runtime environment (JRE) - release 1.5 or later - installed on any computer you wish use HomeRun on, with the JRE's 'bin' directory added to your path. Installation ------------ First, unzip the server archive (you have already done this). Then, navigate to the framework directory ('fwork') and set permissions on the invocation script if necessary (i.e. on Unix systems): $ cd fwork $ chmod u+x hrserver.sh Operation --------- Start the server 'bootstrap' process by running the the invocation script: $ ./hrserver.sh (or on Windows) C:\hrserver\fwork> hrserver.bat If successful, you will see output: 'HomeRun bootstrap on port: 8070' Next Steps ---------- You must now install one or more HomeRun clients. See the client README for details. The client installations may reside on the same computer as this server, or on other computers on the same LAN. With a client installed (only one will suffice), you can begin to add packages to you HomeRun system, and put it to work.